This cascading bouquet, made with soft white open roses, small soft white rose buds, hints of white wild flowers and a spattering of white berries, is the answer to eucalyptus lovers prayers! Deluxe in this case is not just a word! It is literally overflowing with two different kinds of eucalyptus (silver dollar and seeded feather). Using various sizes of roses in slightly different shades of white makes this bouquet super REALISTIC! NOTE: Length comparison for scale is approximately the same as two standard paper towel rolls stacked end to end Width equals the length of one standard paper towel roll + 2 inches. Coordinating wedding package is available.
Size: 13.5” X 23”
Handmade item that is made to order
All products are Arranged Elegance’s original designs, using exceptional quality silk, soft touch & real touch flowers. If you require a complete wedding party package, or love the design but need a few changes, please contact me with the details. Its your special day and I will do everything I am able to help make it great!
Packaging ~ Your wedding items are carefully packaged to ensure no damage occurs while in route to your destination. Bouquets are wrapped in tissue. All boutonnieres & corsages are packaged in their own protective corsage / boutonniere boxes.
Please read ~ Current lead times, shop polices & shipping time guidelines prior to purchase.
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SKU: 1042
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