This Hand Wrapped Bridal Bouquet is truly lush and completely customized by YOU with accent flowers and size chosen by YOU. It is guaranteed to match or coordinate with even the most unusual wedding color palettes! The pictured, extra large bouquet has been accented with dusty rose ranunculus but the possibilities are endless! Just specify the base accent color you are searching for in the personalization field provided, select desired size then I will send you a minimum of 3 and up to 7 accent flower combinations based on that color for you to select the perfect accent flower types and color shades to create your perfect bouquet! Essentially, it is a custom DIY bouquet that is professionally built just for YOU! The base bouquet is full of Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, tons of Lamb's Ear, soft white roses, white wild berries, natural soft white heather and spatters of Italian Ruscus. You will also choose your favorite finish type and color from a large selection that I will send you pictures of based on your material interests (jute, lace, satin, chiffon, velvet etc.)! The Lux size measures 15 plus inches. The Grand size measures a solid 13 inches. Both sizes are large and full unlike most bridal bouquets currently available that claim similar measurements based on a couple of stray, longer pieces of greenery, either size of this bridal bouquet is fully loaded. You will get your monies worth with an abundance of the highest quality materials available so if you are tired of seeing skimpy bouquets that cost a fortune for very little, either size of this truly lush bouquet is the answer to your prayers and you are totally free to make it perfect for YOU in everyway. Longing for a different greenery combo and color? Just say so! WE can do that too! Full coordinating wedding packages at great package prices are available.
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PriceFrom $175.00
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