FREE SHIPPING This hand-wrapped bouquet has your choice of burgundy (maroon) peonies or cabbage roses, navy blue roses, a few soft white/cream rose buds, lots of blue thistle, burgundy rosehips and contrasting ivy and sage eucalyptus greenery. Finished with burgundy (maroon) ribbon and antique soft white/cream lace this bouquet is super beautiful and offered in four sizes. Coordinating wedding package is available simply contact me for discounted multiples and special package pricing. THIS BOUQUET CAN BE MADE IN ANY COLOR! Not thrilled with certain details? Contact me and together we will design another that is EXACTLY what you want!
Select your size: X-Large !3" - 14" ;
Bride 12"-13"
Handmade item that is made to order
All products are Arranged Elegance’s original designs, using exceptional quality silk, soft touch & real touch flowers. If you require a complete wedding party package, or love the design but need a few changes, please contact me with the details. Its your special day and I will do everything I am able to make bring your dream florals to life!
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SKU: 1021
PriceFrom $166.99
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